Fore! These Girls Mean Business on the Golf Course
By: Aiyanna Bailey
Hollister has many sports available to students of all ages. However, one of the most overlooked sports is Girls’ Golf. Golf, though still a very competitive sport at the collegiate and high school level, provides many opportunities for girls all around the world to achieve scholarships and many national awards. As high school students, many of the students that contribute to the Girls’ Golf organization have had various experiences in the program that have taught them lasting life lessons.
However, golf was not always an all-inclusive sport. At one point, golf was even known to stand for “Gentleman Only, Ladies Forbidden”, which has become a very serious stereotype that has suggested that the sport is limited to men. “I like being underestimated,” Isabella Gutierrez said when asked how this stereotype affected her. “Being the underdog and surprising people… It’s kind of fun,” she said. Like Guitierrez, many other students stated the same thing, showing how through these controversies, great female successes have emerged.
The Girls’ Golf team, against the controversy of the root of the single-player sport, have really developed a close, friendly relationship with one another. Jasleen Baileyeven said, “We’re close, I mean, we spend everyday together,” showing how much unity the girls have developed already through their short season and how golf, alike many other sports, offered at Hollister creates a great bond between everyone involved.
Picture Credit: Aiyanna Bailey
Picture Credit: Aiyanna Bailey
So far, the Hollister Girls’ Golf team have competed in 7 individual tournaments against very impressive teams such as Santa Catalina, Pacific Grove, Salinas, Monte Vista Christian, and Stevenson, all performing very well overall. When asked about how the season was going, Sophie Barton said she was already seeing lots of improvement from her previous experiences.
Throughout the team’s epic wins and losses, when breaking apart the dynamic of the players involved, it is important to consider the mental health of each individual. When interviewed, many players answered this question very differently. Some said golf was a getaway from pressures and stress, providing a peaceful environment for students outside of school. Others said it is a fun new challenge, and they are having fun everyday at practice. Overall, this is what sets golf aside from the 24 other sports Hollister features. Though each sport has certain aspects that can relieve stress, for many students, there is no better therapy than heading out to the course and just being out in nature.
Picture Credit: Aiyanna Bailey
There are many takeaways from the sport as well, and so many things that these students stand to learn from golf. Guiterrez explained that golf can teach one about integrity and discipline, just by following the sport’s basic principles and having fun! Barton said golf taught her about not getting frustrated at simple things and just coping with pressures one step at a time, especially with schoolwork! Dominique built on that golf really strengthens her mental health and relieves stress from her, teaching her to take time for herself. Lastly, Bailey added that golf taught her to work as a team, even with the fundamentals of a one-player sport.
“Golf is about having fun,” said Isabella Gutierrez. “Just have fun, and you play better.”
But, what does golf really mean to these girls? Many girls play golf as an opportunity to advance their college application and help them to stand out to prestigious schools. Others play golf for the fun of it. Even more girls aspire to professionally pursue golf as a possible career out of school. When asked what golf means to her, Dominique, one of the team’s repeated contributors said, “[Golf] looks good on a college application and is fun to do!” Showing how many doors golf can open for these students at a high education level.
Lastly, the students were asked what they were proud of so far this season. Many responded with simple answers. “A 47,” Jasleen quickly answered. “Being on varsity as a Freshman,” Sophie expressed. “Playing a varsity match,” Isabella explained.
Through the challenges and feats of the season, each girl on the team has shown a tremendous amount of perseverance and strength as they continue to push hard to do their best on the course and represent our school through golf.
If you find golf to be a great pass time, need a way to relieve stress, want something to put on your college application, or are simply just interested in joining a fun extracurricular, check out Girls’ Golf next season.
Remember to cheer on our Hollister Girls’ Golf team next time you have a chance to catch them on the course!
Go Balers!