Nikki Haley; 1st Female President?
By: Aiyanna Bailey
Through the years, the United States has seen politics dominated by male figures. In the past few elections, women are really making themselves heard. In 2016, Hilary Clinton won the democratic presidential vote, becoming the first woman to do so. Four years afterwards, Kamala Harris secured her position as the first female vice president in 2020. This year, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is very close to being on her way to becoming the Republican presidential nominee. All these feats together symbolize more movement in female candidacy then we have seen in the 230 some years that the idea of presidency has existed in America.
Not only has Nikki Haley’s campaign reached extreme success among many unlikely states such as New Hampshire, but, unlike many other Republican candidates, Nikki Haley’s polls have gone up more than 12%, according to CNN, which is only predicted to continue to grow in the coming months before the election.
Throughout her campaign process, Nikki Haley has shown many great strengths in various areas. However, one thing that has really stuck out to women around the country is her constant support of the female individuals in America. Haley promotes an amazing image for young girls across the country, speaking out to supporting young individuals who feel that their feminine side is a burden. She professionally stated, “There is no war on women. Women are doing well. But women are thoughtful. And what we in the Republican Party and across the country, republican, independents, and democrat women say is we're more thoughtful than a label. We care about jobs and the economy and healthcare and education. We care about a lot of different things.” It shows how much the presidential candidate cares about the role of women in rigorous careers.
With these vast movements in Nikki Haley’s amazing campaign and that of the recent roles of women in the past elections, more female Americans are able to see great role models that portray success and oratory with an incredible show of femininity.
As Nikki Haley said, “I wear heels, and it’s not for fashion statement—it’s for ammunition.”
Source Credits: The Guardian