Hello everyone.

This is Julia Magdei, founder and first Editor-in-Chief of Hollister High’s student-led newspaper, Baler Gazette, as well as creator and manager of this website. Scroll through numerous topics for the latest news.

Catching El Chapo's Son

Catching El Chapo's Son

By: Zitlaly Ceballos

On January 8th, 2023, a headline that affects our growing fentanyl epidemic here in the United States. Mexican authorities captured Ovidio Guzman, son of notorious drug-lord, “El Chapo.” After a failed first attempt at capture in 2019, authorities captured Guzman in Culiacan, the capital of the state of Sinaloa.  However, the capture quickly led to chaos and danger for residents. Gunfire from both sides, from the cartel and authorities, caused numerous injuries and fatalities. Barracks imposed by the cartel, in an attempt to block off access, resulted in burned vehicles. Many residents are without food, water, or the ability to leave their homes. The bullet shots and cartridges symbolize the horrible destruction left behind. All results of efforts to bring an end to the leadership of a black market; whose main product seems to have no end in sight.

Scheduling with a Top Student

Scheduling with a Top Student

A Look Back at the World Cup Winners

A Look Back at the World Cup Winners