Get Healthier with Just An App!
By: Julia Magdei
There is an app that lets you scan QR codes to get instant presentable information on the health impacts of the products you use and/or consume. It’s called Yuka! Products include mostly all pantry items, produce, cleaning supplies, cosmetics, or toiletries. The app works by searching all of the ingredients of the one item you scanned, and it tells you which ingredients are good or/and bad for you! Then, all of the ingredients are summarized by category and scored; excellent is 75 to 100, good is 50 to 74, poor is 25 to 49, and finally, bad is anything less than 25. If an item is anything but excellent, the app instantly gives you a recommendation similar to the original product. Best of all, the app is free of cost! You can purchase it on the App Store or Google Play. I would really recommend the app for everyone to use in their day-to-day lives; whether it’s grocery shopping or right at home!
Image credits: william-felker-fqkrXYMosT4-unsplash.jpg